Visible’s Party Pay is an entirely new kind of shared wireless plan. Anyone can join your ‘party’ (from family members to total randos on the internet), and the more folks you bring in, the less everyone pays (as low as $25/mo). To top it all off there are no shared bills, the plan is strictly PYOB (that’s Pay Your Own Bill). So to let the world know we threw a few parties of our own with a colorful campaign on social, paid media and beyond.
Instagram Takeover:
To get the word out, we started by transforming Visible’s Instagram feed into a ‘party house’ of sorts, with nine different interconnected party rooms that highlighted the different features of Party Pay. From bachelorette parties, to dance classes to awkward family reunions, each room told the story of a unique Party Pay group and inspired viewers to form a party with a few friends of their own who may (or may not) be a little similar.

Ad Like Objects:
Then we took our party people, friends and family members out of social and into the real world. With hard hitting headlines and our colorful party scenes, we let people know that Party Pay isn’t your traditional shared phone plan, it’s simpler, cheaper and better than ever.